Monday, August 17, 2009

My Favorite Members Quests

Here is the list for my favorite member quests.

Starting with least liked, to most liked quest;

1. Murder Mystery:
It's no mystery that this quest is annoying. You MUST go through EVERY line of dialogue with each NPC in the mansion... BLAH I'll say I killed him, let me be!!!

2. Sheep Herder: The sheep are too over powered! They have the power to out run your Character...

3. Monk's Friend:
Oh boy, help some monk's get ready for a party! Who's, "Androe's" I'm sure he is no relations to "Andrew". As Brother Omad put it I'd say this quest plot is "Dum dee do la la, Hiccup."

4. Dwarf Cannon: It's all about getting a 1337 cannon. That costs 750k... We are not all made of money!

5. BioHazard: Nothing is worse then traveling from Arrdy to Rimmington to Varrock repeatedly because a guard steals your plague sample.

6. Sea Slug:
The plot... Brain slugs... They control all!!! If only the darn fishing platform was WORTH returning to.

7. Tribal Totem:
I'm all for returning artifacts to tribal people but the reward of some Swordfish and stuff does not cut it for me! Although I did like some of the Puzzles.

8. Observatory Quest: At least Jagex tried to make a maze?

9. Druidic Ritual: If only all quests could be solved with meat!

10. Waterfall: Cool "waterfall"?

11. Hazeel Cult: This quest faintly reminded me of Murder Mystery. At least you got to pick which "side" you wanted to help.

12. Fishing Contest: I knew Vampires loved to fish! This quest should be on any low levels list of "Complete me first" as it allows you to by-pass some certain wolves.

13. Jungle Potion: A quest that takes place SOLELY in the Jungle... joy.

14. Merlin's Crystal: Jagex just had to require this quest to have a "pal needed" part. I liked the tower at least, good place to train =p. Oh and I love the music I used for the quest.

15. Scorpion Catcher: A glorified "Fetch quest" that let's you do a good old bar crawl.

16. Tree Gnome Village: A light maze followed by collecting some magic balls from the Warlord.

17. The Dig Site: Me love's playing with High Explosives! Although, panning for items, you go sit in the car!

18. Fight Arena: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Prayer = God Mod...

19. Plague City: Psst come here... I got a Cat for sell, ya 25 death runes man deal...

20. Clock Tower: 4 Puzzles and a Clock!

21. The Grand Tree: Bring your translation book if you want to have a chance at beating this one... *takes screen-shot*

22. Lost City: Leprechaun get out of my tree!

23.Temple of Ikov: 1 item... ORANGE Boots of lightfootedness, oh and Ice Spiders, burn in hell!

24. Holy Grail: Helping people who are on different planes of existence, that's what its all about.

25. Heroes' Quest: NOTHING you do in this quest should count as making you a hero... but hey Dragon Axe anyone?

26. Legends Quest: I only liked the "hungry's".

27. Watchtower: Helping Ogre's that's how I wanted to spend my questing... Who left this Poison Spider in this chest!

28. Shilo Village: Why must all ghosts want to beat me up...

29. Family Crest: Cooking Gauntlet's... "Dimintheis your papa is my papa!" 9:34.

30. Witch's house: The key is always under the welcome mat. *wink wink*

31. Gertrude's Cat: "FREE" KITTY'S!

32. The Tourist Trap: I love to help women escape slavery, especially if I get to put them in a barrel first =p.

33. Underground Pass: PUZZLES WOOT I personally had the best luck when it came to doing the Agility portions of this quest. Inventory space is your enemy.... Then again when is it not.


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