Friday, August 28, 2009

Jealousy, thy name be chat?

Once again the Runescape Classic community has requested for Jagex to reconnect the private chat with RS2.

A few years ago when Jagex added the alt key commands, ö ü etc to support foreign languages to Runescape. Jagex disabled the Chat between classic and rs2. But for whatever reason they left the friends lists still connected.

Since classic has 100 friend limit for members, players either have to remove friends on the spot or Log-on to RS2 and add the new person there.

Last year the classic chat list went totally screwy. The lists had been totally disconnected, joy =p. But Jagex still managed to screw this up by having the friends lists re-set each time you logged-out...

This was fixed in about a month... after players complained enough, this was when Mod Dave was still on hand.

Now back to the topic of people once again crying to Jagex to fix what they broke and Jagex current response.

Mod Poppy: I think a lot of RS2 players would get really jealous if they saw some of their friends in RSC knowing that they couldn't play.

What does everyone think?

Now I do not think Mod Poppy has had a good experience with having friends or something. If a friend of mine is jealous because I have a nice truck, he is clearly not a friend of mine...

Just the notion that "Hey Cremeans0 is playing classic again, I hate him" is stupid. Most of my friends have to know by now that I play classic, it's not a secret. Now if Mod Poppy thinks that players will randomly add someone who can play classic just to see: Cremeans0 World RSC 1. Then so be it, players can ask away " WTH is RSC is that a Funorb game" so be it.

My chats always on for a reason, I do not care to turn away questions if they can't be answered by others or easy found. Even as a player moderator I left my chat on. People would add me at times then later PM me saying " Why do I have you added", "Who is this"? Once I talked to them they would say "oh" or something. It did not bother me all that much as I still have a *gasp* ignore tab. Not that I use it outside of a note pad, sorry player 144,132 =o

While Mod Poppy posed this question of "Jealousy" some Forum moderators jumped in *who can not play classic* and offered there ideas to this subject.

I'm fine with them using our forums, but the day they have any pull with what happens in the daily affairs of classic will be the day I stop complaining about things. Forum Mod's should stick to handling reports and not fooling around with classic politics.

Some of the Forum Mod's have pointed out that Classic does not get any updates. If that's the case so be it, but as it stands our private chat was stolen from us and we want it back. Classic was ment to be closed from game-updates, by removing something guess what, its an update. Even if we all saw it as a downgrade.

Now some players have gave there views as to what Jagex can do to allow the chats to reconnect. The most logical one I saw was by Dtom13; who suggested that all incoming alt commands should just appear as being star-ed out by the filter.

Jagex, if they think jealousy is the only reason they should not allow us to communicate with friends in RS2 need to grow-up. If jealousy was such a pressing matter "They should just remove all none tradeable-rares." This emotion of jealousy is not something Jagex can control, ever... By preventing our communication with the outside they are doing nothing but stopping a few 15 year olds from $#%@ about how they can't play classic.

Does it not seem odd that if Jagex is working on the RSC cheat servers that this is even a FLIPPING ISSUE!!!


Aximili E I August 28, 2009 at 10:55 AM  

I miss being able to talk to people in RS2 when I'm in RSC hence why I I have been using IRC since I started bloging and then later get a channel just for the blog. With so few people online on RSC at most 120 or so at its peak its very lonely...

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